I love this story from GKIC's Marketer of the Year, Walter Bergeron.
Walter had a pretty damned good business going for himself down in Louisiana repairing electronics. But he had this feeling he was missing out on some real potential.
While attending one of GKIC's "Fast Implementation Bootcamps," Walter heard Bill Glazer say this:
"Look to your left and to your right. Of the three of you, only ONE will do anything with what they learn here at this event."
Walter says he looked to his left and the guy there was sleeping. He looked to his right and that guy was buried in email focused on something entirely different. At that point he figured, "I must be the one... "
In the next 90 days, Walter took MASSIVE action on a number of fronts - and transformed his business in the process... generating over a Million dollars in NEW revenues!
Life itself operates in exactly the same way.
* It recognizes and rewards those who DO.
* It ignores those who DON'T.
Business Growth comes about in one way and one way only.......YOU and your willingness to Get Things Done!!!