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How to Increase Sales

These are posts about how to increase sales.

How to Get More Business with These 8 Tips

Have you been wondering how to get more business prospects without paying an arm and a leg? We’ve got a bunch of fantastic marketing solutions that can help you get the business you want without breaking the bank. With these eight tidbits of how to get more business marketing know-how, you’ll find the customers that […]

Pay Attention to the Pain Points!

No matter how much your customers like you, they’re really buying the solutions you offer, and they’re buying to eliminate their pain points. Remember that your product or service must be of some benefit to them and make their lives easier and/or more enjoyable and potentially relieve some of their pain. After all, every single one of us has the same favorite radio […]

Spend More Time Looking Through the Windshield than in the Rearview Mirror

As an entrepreneur, it’s vitally important to focus most of your time with your eyes looking “down the road” – into the future. Day in and day out, as busy business owners, we spend much of our time meeting and hopefully exceeding our current customers’ expectations. But it’s equally important that we spend time looking […]

6 Client Retention Ideas You Can Try

Most companies focus on acquiring new clients, and while this is a primary focus, client retention is just as important. In fact, working hard to keep your old clients may even be more profitable than getting new clients in the long run. Why Focus On Client Retention? Client retention is measured in repeat purchases, and […]

Client Retention Tips for Small Businesses

You make a sale and get a new customer – that has got to be good right? But do you know what is even better? It is when they come back the second, third and fourth time around to do business with you again. But, there is an art to getting your clients to continue […]

Why the 30- or 60- or 90-Day Warranty Is Not Enough!

You’ve heard of Murphy’s Law: Anything that can go wrong will go wrong, usually at the worst possible moment. Well, there’s another variation of that, and it goes like this: The product will cease working exactly one day after the warranty expires. Enough of us have had that exact experience that it lends credence to […]

Word of Mouth Tactics – Part 2

In the last post we started our series on word of mouth and talked about how to make your customers purchasing experience a short, easy one. We are going to continue with that theme a bit today. We’re going to talk about the power of word of mouth and how to mold it to your […]

PR Equals Free Publicity

There are three key areas of public relations you can use to boost your advertising results ten-fold over your paid advertising. The key to public relations lie in: Public relation or publicity Merchandising Promotions With a solid plan in place that encompasses all these areas, you’ll have a great approach to use public relations in […]

Have events and parties

Have contests and surveys to involve your clients in your business.  When you have a contest, be sure to get pictures of you with winners and send them out to your entire customer list.  When you conduct a survey, share the results with all those clients who participate and offer them a small reward for […]

The Miracle of ‘Price Elasticity’

Read this carefully because it will change your business and life…FOREVER! One of the biggest, most exciting opportunities in your business is the ability to sell at prices or fees substantially higher than you ever have before, than ALL your competitors, than your industry norms… even though you think you can’t… and have more receptive, […]