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How to Get Customers

These are posts about how to get customers.

Understanding Customer Loyalty Programs

Think about yourself as a customer. Do you collect airline miles? Do you get bonus points for refunds by using one credit card instead of another? What about store programs? Do you have a bonus card for a particular grocery store or pharmacy? I know some people who carry more of those store key-chain cards […]

Some Important Points to Remember About The Lifetime Value of a Customer

Retained customers are more profitable. It costs less to sell to them, so they really impact your bottom line. Over-the-top customer service almost NEVER fails to pay off, and it improves your customers’ LTVs. When you lose a customer, you don’t just lose a sale—you lose his entire LTV—all his future sales and his referrals. […]

How to Get More Business with These 8 Tips

Have you been wondering how to get more business prospects without paying an arm and a leg? We’ve got a bunch of fantastic marketing solutions that can help you get the business you want without breaking the bank. With these eight tidbits of how to get more business marketing know-how, you’ll find the customers that […]

The Benefits of Becoming a One-Stop Shop

The concept of becoming a one-stop shop is one that increasing numbers of businesses have embraced in recent years, but what encourages companies to expand their activities from solely supplying products to the incorporation of relevant services? Here are just a few of the benefits of making the transition. The introduction of new revenue streams […]

A ‘Stick Like Glue” Moment! How Much Are Your Customers Worth?

Existing customers provide the bulk of your profits. It’s more cost-effective to sell to existing customers, so your profitability is higher. However, the profitability of existing customers goes far beyond their current sales figures, and that’s what lifetime value (LTV) is all about. In my opinion, it’s nearly impossible to give away the business trying […]

Pay Attention to the Pain Points!

No matter how much your customers like you, they’re really buying the solutions you offer, and they’re buying to eliminate their pain points. Remember that your product or service must be of some benefit to them and make their lives easier and/or more enjoyable and potentially relieve some of their pain. After all, every single one of us has the same favorite radio […]

Know Your Target Audience

Knowing exactly who your target audience is and knowing your market are more important than the product you sell or the service you offer. Please re-read that sentence: Knowing exactly who your target audience is and knowing your market are more important than the product you sell or the service you offer. Don’t skimp over […]

Spend More Time Looking Through the Windshield than in the Rearview Mirror

As an entrepreneur, it’s vitally important to focus most of your time with your eyes looking “down the road” – into the future. Day in and day out, as busy business owners, we spend much of our time meeting and hopefully exceeding our current customers’ expectations. But it’s equally important that we spend time looking […]

Don’t Become a Commodity

When you’re a commodity, the only way to get clients to buy from you is to offer the lowest price, and that does two really negative things. First, obviously, it cuts into your profit margin. Every time you lower your price, you lose valuable margin. But what’s even worse, the second negative—the customers you gain by winning on price have no loyalty. As […]

A “Fastest Way To Higher Profits” Moment!

It’s Ok to Be Wrong Sometimes! You won’t create raving fans if you insist on being right, even when you know your customer is dead wrong! If you choose to be right, I can almost guarantee that your bank deposit is going to be smaller. When you’re in a difficult customer service situation – it’s […]