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Direct Marketing

These are posts about direct marketing.

Your Target Customer-BOLDNESS PAYS OFF

“Don’t be afraid to make some people angry. Boldness pays off. Think of this – in America, you can have 50% of the country dislike you and still be elected president.” ~ Dan Kennedy I can’t affirm that 50% stat is 100% accurate, but the point is dead on. When you draw a line in the […]

How The Circus Mastered Direct Mail…And You Can Too!!!

Back in the days before YouTube, Cable TV, iPhones, and 24/7/365 media saturation of every single aspect of our lives, entertainment was actually special. And one thing that every child in mid-America looked forward to was when the circus came to town. But getting Mom and Dad bought into the idea could take some effort. […]

Keeping Your Eye On The Ball In Your Business Marketing

I don’t know if you’re a Baseball fan, but you still know its spring training time in Arizona. In fact I enjoyed a Cactus League game with my grandson last weekend. Sports metaphors abound in business – one of which often heard is “Keep your eye on the ball!” This refers to keeping your focus […]

The 3 Major Mistakes That Will Doom Your Copywriting Effectiveness

There’s something magical about the number 3… it forms the basis for great drama (3-act plays), it’s the common structure for presentations (beginning, middle, end), and it’s a common rule-of-thumb in design, gardening, and so many more endeavors. Today I’m going to let you in on three (3) common mistakes that will absolutely KILL the […]

9 Key Areas You Can Find Marketing Ideas That Turn Into THE Big Idea

It may seem daunting at first, but actually there’s quite a few places to start to look inside your business when coming up with marketing ideas that turn into your own BIG idea – in fact, 9 to be specific: Do you have some kind of proprietary technology to crow about? What about your story… […]

Copywriting 101: Make Your Prospect ACT NOW!

The old proverb goes like this: “He who hesitates is lost!” What that means to you as a marketer is a prospect who dithers and delays is a sale that more than likely doesn’t happen. Which is bad all around – for the prospect, who could vitally use the service / product you offer… and […]

Direct Response or Bust!

Direct response marketing is a marketing that demands a direct response from your potential customers. This type of marketing is used to answer questions, present your branding, products and the reason you do what you do. Customers love this, as they are offered the opportunity to response, whether that be in the way of signing […]

A 9 Point Checklist for Direct Response Advertising for You

Below is a handy checklist to use for creating direct response ads.  If you use it, it will improve the quality and conversion of your ads.  Print out this checklist and use it! 1.    It must have a compelling headline 2.    It should evoke an immediate response, action, visit, call, or purchasing decision. 3.    It […]

Nobody Believes Nobody Anymore

As a salesperson and marketer, you face an uphill battle.  Gallup recently conducted a poll asking which jobs people considered untrustworthy or highly suspect.  The results: 10. Business Executives 9. State Governors 8. Lawyers 7. Insurance Salespeople 6. Senators 5. HMO Managers 4. Stockbrokers 3. Advertising Executives 2. Members of Congress 1. Car Salespeople This […]

“QWERTYIOP or something similar…”

In April, 2010, Radicati Group… a marketing and technology firm out of Palo Alto, CA … determined that each and every day:                                                 294 BILLION Emails were sent!!! Doing the math, that boils down to 2.8 million emails a second and about 90 Trillion emails every year.  That’s a lot of cluttered-up-in-boxes. Have you ever […]