One of my favorite marketing adages comes from a little known, but very successful small businessman from Kenosha WI. When asked the secret of his success in dominating his local market, he boiled it down to three simple words:
Tattoo those three words on your forearm and make sure you follow that advice each and every day.
Now I’m also going to give you a tip on what you need to be doing when self-promoting… particularly in your direct response letters/ads/etc. It’s a big mistake most businesses make and it dramatically reduces the effectiveness of their lead-generation message – You need to self-promote, but do so in a way that basically makes YOU invisible.
“Huh!?” you say…
Most businesses get this wrong. When they create an ad, they muck it up with a bunch of text and info about how long they’ve been in business, how many successful relationships they’ve facilitated, the background of the founders, and on and on.
It’s very hard for advertisers to resist brand building and claim(s)-to-fame trumpeting, etc. The mistake boils down to thinking you need to build / reinforce your brand in order to get the lead. However, when doing lead generation, all that is getting way ahead of yourself and distracts the prospect from what you really them to do.
The ONLY thing you want to accomplish when attempting to capture a lead is to provide exactly the right information to get them to raise their hands and contact you. Period. All the other stuff could well cause qualified leads to head for the hills.
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