The number one marketing sin of all time is being boring! The number one marketing sin in the new economy is being ordinary.
Here is a list of 4 marketing strategies you can use to entertain your way to profits.

1. Tell Stories: We all have true stories, both personal and business, from our lives we use to illustrate a point. Dan Kennedy teaches that you should write down at least 50 of your best stories. Then think about how you can use them best in your marketing.
We all know the cliché, "Facts tell but stories sell." facts are boring but stories bring life to your marketing and make you interesting. You can also "hi-jack" stories. By this I mean tell interesting stories about other people-especially your clients/customers. Let your clients have more of YOU. Share pictures, videos, and experiences you have that make you more interesting.

2. Theme Park Experience: What makes you and your business different? In your marketing describe what your clients experience because they are your client. Think like Disney. Make the experience so rich that your clients talk about you.

3. Engage Your Clients: Engagement equals enjoyment. When your clients are involved in your business it is very difficult for a competitor to steal them from you.

4. Have events and parties: Have contests, surveys, private sales, customer outings, and "trunk sales" to involve your clients in your business. When you have a special event, be sure to get pictures and send them out to your entire customer list.

Friday I will give your 4 more great ways to entertain your way to profits, including a source for finding obscure holidays that you can use to creatively help attract attention to your business!