It’s hard to figure out exactly why some films do great while others tank. Sometimes it’s clearly quality… bad reviews and bad word of mouth can kill ticket sales. But that’s not always the case; even great films can flounder trying to find a market. Take “It’s a Wonderful Life” – now considered a classic, back when it was released it vanished almost immediately. It wasn't until it hit television that it gathered an audience and acclaim.
Doesn't seem fair, does it?
Well, life isn't fair. Some films do better than others. Some people have more than others. The rich and the affluent have more choices and are willing to spend money to move to the front of the line. The businesses that focus their business strategy on those who have the ability and resources to buy are the ones still standing at the end of the day.
As a business, you can choose to ignore this principle or you can instead choose to use it to your advantage.