This is a fundamental power issue. If you are or feel commoditized, hustle and fix it.

Reinvent; alter your marketing; work like a fiend to put (perception of) supply versus demand, specialist versus generalist to work for you rather than against you.

Successful entrepreneurs do NOT operate from fear.

That's not really because they are fearless; but because they've created a set of circumstances for themselves that makes it easy to be fearless.

1. Operating without targets

Successful entrepreneurs use a lot of benchmarks, numbers, statistics, goals to hold themselves and others accountable, daily, weekly monthly, yearly, per project, per function.

2. Working in unproductive environments

Successful entrepreneurs are able to produce good results under adverse conditions – but strive not to be in that position very often.

Whether at home, in the place of business, traveling, wherever, whatever, they exert control over their environment, and give themselves every advantage to support productivity.


This is an excerpt from my book, “9 Rules For Business Prosperity in the New Economy”.  The book may be purchased in both printed and Kindle editions at: