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Business Growth

These are posts about business growth.

You Game Changer

It’s very possible that your big game changer is already what you’re doing and already what you’re immersed in. What you need to do is re-gather your focus and your energy to take the company you already have to the next level. Whatever it is in your business that drives you and gets you to […]

Decide to Go Further

There are undeniably many components of success, and you already possess some of them or you wouldn’t have ventured (or are seriously thinking of venturing) into creating your own business. There are plenty of people who complain about the grind, about working for someone else, or corporate America. Since you’re reading, I know you are […]

Decide to Invest

Highly successful entrepreneurs understand the value and importance of investing in their future growth and profitability. I believe in every situation there is the “current” you (and your business) and there is the “future” you and business you want – your Dream Business. The fastest way to go from your current situation to your Dream […]

Are You Running Your Marketing Backwards?

With the right perspective, if you think about and observe many entrepreneurs and small business owners, you’d have to come to the conclusion that they’re running their marketing strategies backwards. Let me explain. For most businesses, their single focus is getting ‘new’ customers. I believe that for the majority of these businesses too many resources and […]

Opinions and Success!

While there is no shortage of opinions, successful entrepreneurs learn not to let the opinions or criticism of others cloud their judgment or alter the way they do business. Successful entrepreneurs are not afraid of what others think of them and they’re also not afraid of failure. The funny thing about failure is that it […]

The Power of Being the Authentic You

Many entrepreneurs struggle with their ‘personal’ brand versus their ‘professional’ brand – or perhaps better stated, who they are ‘on the job’ versus who they are ‘off the clock’ – so to speak. This challenge has never become more apparent with the incredible rise of social media and the truth is you can no longer […]

Easy Does It

Make it easy for your customers to do business with you. This concept is so important to developing and building stronger customer relationships that I’m going to focus just on that for a moment. As a customer, have you ever walked into a place and heard the phrase “That’s our policy?” Those words are like […]

Client Retention Tips for Small Businesses

You make a sale and get a new customer – that has got to be good right? But do you know what is even better? It is when they come back the second, third and fourth time around to do business with you again. But, there is an art to getting your clients to continue […]

Why the 30- or 60- or 90-Day Warranty Is Not Enough!

You’ve heard of Murphy’s Law: Anything that can go wrong will go wrong, usually at the worst possible moment. Well, there’s another variation of that, and it goes like this: The product will cease working exactly one day after the warranty expires. Enough of us have had that exact experience that it lends credence to […]

The Three Biggest Lead Generation Mistakes Small Businesses Make… Part 2

What Marketing Is SUPPOSED To Do! First, you MUST understand what marketing is supposed to do. Its purpose is actually three fold… Its first job is to capture the attention of your target market. Second, it must give them the hope that reading or listening to your marketing will give them enough information to help […]