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Business Systems

It is hard to waste time when there is no time to be wasted

Consider the simple matter of phone calls – if a person engages in an average of four a day over 250 workdays, that’s 1,000 in a year. If, on average, they consume just 3 minutes more each day than you would have through tightly controlled end times and scripted days, that’s roughly one whole week […]

Scripting Your Day

You could storyboard your day easily by having 3×5 cards tacked on a corkboard, having a legal pad divided into 15 minute increment boxes on the left side with space for notes on the right side, or using a piece of paper typed up on the computer. The most important elements of a day script […]

Get Maximum Value Out of Your Day

One of the key secrets that separate the most successful entrepreneurs from the rest is how they take charge of their day. It’s vital to understand that time management is a common convenient misnomer. Nobody can actually manage time – like money it has a mind of its own. However, you can manage your allocation […]

Key Components of a Marketing System

Affordability: Your marketing systems must deliver profitable results. You have to know what a customer is worth to you, then decide what you are reasonably willing to invest to acquire one, then build systems that work within that limit. However, there’s no free lunch, so if a customer is worth $1,000 and you’re only willing […]

Do you have a marketing system?

Do you have a marketing system? If not, then what you have is money you spend (notice, I’m NOT using the term invest) on random acts of hope and faith (both often misplaced!) Is that the way you should be running your business? To put a finer point on this, I’ll ask you right now: […]

How to Increase Sales-Client Retention Tips

It is good to note that while some customers willingly come back and make a second purchase, most clients need to be pursued in a way. That said, getting customers to buy the second time around needs a little bit of work in order to succeed.  And one of the easiest ways to increase sales […]

7 Key Elements of Your Marketing System

Here are the key elements of a marketing system: 1. A selected group of prospects (sometimes referred to as a “farm”, “farm area” or “target market” The better the selection, the better the results. For example, when you are able to analyze the response to a mailing list, you can identify those elements with the […]

Untangle the Red Tape

In the last post we talked about how to bring the big-company mindset into your business and your team. This will help you overcome the mental obstacles that will keep you from being successful. Now, that you’ve learned how to overcome that, we’re going to talk about who your fish is. It’s important to know […]

Add Some Compost

In the last post we talked about the first three of the 7 specific areas you need to consider in your franchise prototype process. Here are all seven again: Primary Aim Strategic Objectives Organizational Strategy Management Strategy People Strategy Marketing Strategy Systems Strategy These 7 areas will fine turn your plan for the ultimate level […]

The Corporate Puzzle

The 7 specific areas you need to consider in your franchise prototype process: Primary Aim Strategic Objectives Organizational Strategy Management Strategy People Strategy Marketing Strategy Systems Strategy These 7 areas will fine turn your plan for the ultimate level of success. In this lesson we are going to cover the first three. Primary Aim It’s […]