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Business Marketing

These are posts about business marketing.

Start With “Who”

In fact, here are six words that will change your business life FOREVER! Start with “who” then work backwards. Too much of the time, we start with the “what.” What do we want to sell? What do we want to promote? What service am I going to provide? What am I going to charge? What? […]

Target the Right Market

One of the keys to crafting the right message is making sure you are aiming it at the right market. The best possible offer made to someone who is wholly unqualified or wholly disinterested in it is not going to work. You’ve got to match your offer with the right people to receive those offers. […]

The Importance of Widget Making

One key aspect that separates the most prosperous businesses from the rest is that they develop the skill of widget making. Widget making could be the number one skill you’ll ever learn as a business owner. Once you’ve got it, you use it over and over again every day in your business.  Widget making is […]

Define a Clear Message

One of the biggest obstacles to prosperity for most business owners is that they don’t have a clear message to communicate to the market. Somebody sets up a restaurant, a florist shop or coaching practice and they spend all their time and energy worrying about what it looks like inside or what their website is […]

Beaver Butt in Your Food

Todays Lesson – Ya gotta get noticed first.  There’s an old copywriting formula that goes by the acronym AIDA: A – Attention I – Interest D – Desire A – Action It’s a pretty handy tool, especially if you’re fumbling around for just the right structure for your next advertising piece. The copy that does […]

Three Strikes and Y’er Out

You may not be a baseball fan, but you know the phrase:  “three strikes, y’er out!” And once you’re out, in business it’s not just a trip back to the bench you’re facing, it’s back to the locker room, a cold shower, and a walk home in street clothes – leaving  your big league dreams […]

Business Strategy-A Business Built From Nothing

I wanted to inspire you with a quick tale of a business strategy built entirely from imagination… It’s located in London and it’s known as the Sherlock Holmes Museum. You can go there, tour the actual home of famed detective himself, and get souvenirs and antiques, and curios. The entire museum is a gift store. […]

Marketing Mistakes-April Fool’s Marketing Screw Up’s

With April Fool’s Day approaching, we thought we’d share with you these real marketing mistakes and screw ups by BIG companies. Enjoy! Coors translated its slogan, “Turn it loose” into Spanish where it was read as “Suffer from diarrhea.” Colgate introduced a toothpaste in France called “Cue”, the name of a notorious porn magazine. Scandinavian […]

How The Circus Mastered Direct Mail…And You Can Too!!!

Back in the days before YouTube, Cable TV, iPhones, and 24/7/365 media saturation of every single aspect of our lives, entertainment was actually special. And one thing that every child in mid-America looked forward to was when the circus came to town. But getting Mom and Dad bought into the idea could take some effort. […]

Achieving Success-Only You Can Stop You

Few people are adept or successful at anything… at first. And that includes yours truly. In fact, everybody has to go through the four levels of learning every time they attempt something new: 1) Unconscious Incompetence – you don’t know how bad you are at a task 2) Conscious Incompetence – you realize how bad […]