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Business Marketing

These are posts about business marketing.

Keeping Your Eye On The Ball In Your Business Marketing

I don’t know if you’re a Baseball fan, but you still know its spring training time in Arizona. In fact I enjoyed a Cactus League game with my grandson last weekend. Sports metaphors abound in business – one of which often heard is “Keep your eye on the ball!” This refers to keeping your focus […]

The 3 Major Mistakes That Will Doom Your Copywriting Effectiveness

There’s something magical about the number 3… it forms the basis for great drama (3-act plays), it’s the common structure for presentations (beginning, middle, end), and it’s a common rule-of-thumb in design, gardening, and so many more endeavors. Today I’m going to let you in on three (3) common mistakes that will absolutely KILL the […]

9 Key Areas You Can Find Marketing Ideas That Turn Into THE Big Idea

It may seem daunting at first, but actually there’s quite a few places to start to look inside your business when coming up with marketing ideas that turn into your own BIG idea – in fact, 9 to be specific: Do you have some kind of proprietary technology to crow about? What about your story… […]

Copywriting 101: Make Your Prospect ACT NOW!

The old proverb goes like this: “He who hesitates is lost!” What that means to you as a marketer is a prospect who dithers and delays is a sale that more than likely doesn’t happen. Which is bad all around – for the prospect, who could vitally use the service / product you offer… and […]

Marketing Strategies: The Secret To Attracting More Customers

Being able to clearly define your target market is one of the most important elements of successful marketing. Yet it’s one of the marketing strategies that most businesses struggle with. Identifying your market clearly has many advantages, including allowing you to: Choose the best media to reach the people you want to reach. Tailor your […]

Jumpstart Your Marketing With The “Rule Of 5”

Let me ask you and be honest with yourself here, are you getting the results you want in your business? If you are great, this message will be helpful in getting you to the next level. If you’re not, don’t worry, it will certainly put you on the right path. Now I’ve read the studies […]

7 Key Elements of Your Marketing System

Here are the key elements of a marketing system: 1. A selected group of prospects (sometimes referred to as a “farm”, “farm area” or “target market” The better the selection, the better the results. For example, when you are able to analyze the response to a mailing list, you can identify those elements with the […]

Branding Builds Recognition

Branding helps build recognition and recognition is one of the first steps in creating the “know, like, and trust” factor. Great branding is when your prospects respond with, “Oh yeah, he’s the ____ guy”, or “She’s the one who . . .” and fill in the blank whenever they hear your name – and that’s […]

The Leaky Bucket Analogy

Most entrepreneurs spend a lot of time, energy, and resources on customer acquisition, and any entrepreneur will tell you that time, energy, and resources are the three most valuable commodities. They are also three of the most expensive and difficult marketing commodities to sustain. I am an eager and continuous student of marketing and business. […]

Getting the Most from Social Media

A few quick keystrokes on your laptop can take you to any number of social media networks on the Internet – Facebook and Twitter, of course, the most popular. This is proof positive that the Internet has changed the way we relate and interact with each other whether we’re involved with business partners, clients, prospects, […]