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Business Marketing

These are posts about business marketing.

Getting Your Emails Opened

Getting Your Email Opened Do you have a challenge getting your emails opened?  Duh…it’s a major challenge for every marketer.  The subject line is the KEY to increasing your open rates. Make your subject lines so irresistible, so alluring, that they’re nearly IMPOSSIBLE to ignore. Even a modest 10% to 20% boost in your open […]

Marketing Strategy-Increase Your Profits With Bounce Back Marketing

Today, I want to focus on a marketing strategy few business owners take advantage of, but one that is inexpensive and easy to implement-and one everybody is reading this can use. Amongst “old-time” marketers, it’s known as “bounce-back marketing.” A bounce-back is a follow up offer that’s sent to a customer along with a product […]

Marketing Strategies-Entertain Your Way To Profits

The number one marketing sin of all time is being boring! The number one marketing sin in the new economy is being ordinary. Here is a list of 4 marketing strategies you can use to entertain your way to profits. 1. Tell Stories: We all have true stories, both personal and business, from our lives […]

Business Strategy-Learn To Delegate And Let Go

This business strategy-while sensible in thought but scary in implementation-will really help to move your business forward. As entrepreneurs we tend to think that no one can do the job as well or as quickly as we can. We get stuck in this mind-set that we have to do it all. We’re all guilty of […]

Marketing Strategies-The Power of “Me to You” Marketing!

The marketing world is full of tactics and techniques “guaranteed” to help you improve the results of your next direct mail campaign, print ad campaign or email marketing campaign. Some work. Some do not. Times Square in New York City is a metaphor for what you, the business owner and marketer, are up against in […]

Business Marketing-OKAY THIS IS PERSONAL

When I said “THIS is Personal…” , did that generate a wee bit of interest? Look around you. The old school way of thinking about keeping “private matters private” has long since disappeared down the whirlwind of Social Media. Everything is public now – privacy is essentially dead. Most people don’t mind a bit. In […]

Lead Generation-More Leads By Becoming “Invisible”? Huh?

One of my favorite marketing adages comes from a little known, but very successful small businessman from Kenosha WI.  When asked the secret of his success in dominating his local market, he boiled it down to three simple words: CONTINUOUS SELF PROMOTION Tattoo those three words on your forearm and make sure you follow that […]

Generating Leads-THE YO-YO TECHNIQUE

According to Wikipedia (the pre-eminent source for internet wisdom!), the child’s toy commonly called the “Yo-Yo” dates back nearly 2500 years. Seemingly simple, skilled Yo-Yo experts can perform a variety of complex maneuvers with obscure names such as “Fansaws,” “Machine Chop,” and “Alien Invasion.” But the basic premise of the Yo-Yo is clear – let […]

Direct Response Marketing-The 10 Money Making Rules You Need To Know

The 10 Money Making Rules You Need to Know for Successful Direct Response Marketing in your Business:   1. There will always be an offer or offers. 2. There will always be a reason to respond now. 3.There will always be clear instructions on how to respond. 4. There will always be tracking and measurement. […]

Business Marketing Strategies-TAKING ACTION

I love this story from GKIC’s Marketer of the Year, Walter Bergeron. Walter had a pretty damned good business going for himself down in Louisiana repairing electronics. But he had this feeling he was missing out on some real potential. While attending one of GKIC’s “Fast Implementation Bootcamps,” Walter heard Bill Glazer say this: “Look […]