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Business Strategy

Leapfrog to Accelerate Your Growth

From the time we’re born, we’re conditioned to believe in taking things one step at a time. We go to first grade, then second grade, then third grade and so on. Every set of instructions comes with step one, step two, step three, etc. I want to tell you that it doesn’t have to be […]

A “Fastest Way To Higher Profits” Moment!

It’s Ok to Be Wrong Sometimes! You won’t create raving fans if you insist on being right, even when you know your customer is dead wrong! If you choose to be right, I can almost guarantee that your bank deposit is going to be smaller. When you’re in a difficult customer service situation – it’s […]

Profit Booster: One More Degree

Can you keep pushing with one more degree of strength or endure one more minute of hard, focused work? You sure can, and that one degree can make a world of difference. Improving by a single degree can be exactly what you need to explode your business and really accelerate your profits. You might be […]

Two Powerful Questions to Ask Daily!

Ask two questions every morning: “What am I going to do to move my business forward today?” And, “How am I going to add value for current clients and attract ten new clients this month?” The daily repetition will bring hyper clarity of mission and your powerful subconscious mind will feed you answers you didn’t even know you had!

Your Skill Isn’t Typical

I believe we’re all blessed with God-given talents and skills. The most successful entrepreneurs are those fortunate enough to figure out how to use their talents and skills in their businesses, combined with a passion for serving others and the knowledge of what their abilities are worth. I believe many people’s profit problem is two-fold. […]

Profit Explosion Engage Creativity

When are you most creative? I don’t mean when do you get the most accomplished, but when do you have your most creative thoughts and ideas? In the middle of day? Late at night? Early in the morning? In the shower? In the middle of the night? If in the middle of the night, do […]

Why Your Business Needs a Newsletter

Newsletters are often the last thing on the minds of small business owners, as most of them often believe that it is an expensive and ineffective marketing strategy. However, what many do not know is that they can be very effective marketing collaterals that can increase your chances of getting potential customers and keeping existing […]

How to Profit from Social Media

Everyone surfs the web differently. Some are happy to read page after page of content, while others need to be more visually stimulated through a combination of text, photos and video. Adding video content helps to put your company in front of your web visitors, allowing you to connect with them in a more personal […]

Why Client Retention is So Important to Your Business

While many companies focus on acquiring customers, most do not do anything to retain them. Many owners do not see the need to spend time, effort and money to retain the customers. They usually ask why they need to put effort in customer retention when they are already acquiring new ones successfully. While this may […]

Consistency Counts

When you define who you are and create your mission statement, you have to promote it – everywhere and on everything – in order to build your brand. Simply put: wherever you put your name, you should include your brand, consistently. But promoting your brand isn’t enough – you have to back it up with […]