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Business Growth

These are posts about business growth.

Go from Business Owner to Entrepreneur

One of the reasons some businesses are so much more successful than others is that they are run by people who act as entrepreneurs rather than as business owners. What’s the difference? Here’s an example – and this is SO critical to your overall success. Business Owner: A jeweler who owns a jewelry store. Entrepreneur: […]

Target the Right Market

One of the keys to crafting the right message is making sure you are aiming it at the right market. The best possible offer made to someone who is wholly unqualified or wholly disinterested in it is not going to work. You’ve got to match your offer with the right people to receive those offers. […]

Three Strikes and Y’er Out

You may not be a baseball fan, but you know the phrase:  “three strikes, y’er out!” And once you’re out, in business it’s not just a trip back to the bench you’re facing, it’s back to the locker room, a cold shower, and a walk home in street clothes – leaving  your big league dreams […]

Marketing Strategies-START WITH LOTS OF IDEAS

There is a popular belief that the best way to generate good ideas is to come with as many ideas as you can. As it turns out, this theory is not only sound but scientifically proven: studies from MIT and the University of California Davis show that groups of people who produce a large number […]

Business Growth-Don’t Let Burnout Get You Down

Business Growth Tip: Burnout can affect your home life and personal relationships as well as your business. If you answer yes to at least three of the following questions, then you might be close to burnout: Do you have difficulty getting up in the morning? Do you always feel tired? Do you frequently forget things? […]

Business Growth-Scared Behavior Always Loses

There seems to be a bias against reaping the rewards of success these days. I honestly find it extremely disturbing. Many people find it preferable to do just enough to simply “get by.” Apparently they’re either scared of taking the risk to achieve more, or scared of being the target of envy by those who […]

Business Growth-“NO” Is Not The Answer

We’re all trained to accept NO as the answer and then be done with it. Huge mistake. Consider Walt Disney… One of Walt’s top personal characteristics was his incredible bull-headed stubbornness about getting what he envisioned done his way. Walt hated being told that something could not be done, and typically he reacted very badly […]

For Business Growth, What Do All Successful Business Owners Understand?

There’s no way around it… For business growth, you are going to have to deal with change.  Sometimes it’ll be to your advantage, but many other times it won’t. In fact, change can often be downright unwelcome. The one thing that all successful entrepreneurs accept and understand is that change is part of the business […]

How The Circus Mastered Direct Mail…And You Can Too!!!

Back in the days before YouTube, Cable TV, iPhones, and 24/7/365 media saturation of every single aspect of our lives, entertainment was actually special. And one thing that every child in mid-America looked forward to was when the circus came to town. But getting Mom and Dad bought into the idea could take some effort. […]

Achieving Success-Only You Can Stop You

Few people are adept or successful at anything… at first. And that includes yours truly. In fact, everybody has to go through the four levels of learning every time they attempt something new: 1) Unconscious Incompetence – you don’t know how bad you are at a task 2) Conscious Incompetence – you realize how bad […]